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百年博可 Century Bürkle 博可机械成立于1920年,总部位于德国黑森林地区。一百年来,博可始终致力于为全球用户提供专业的层压系统及表面处理技术解决方案。博可产品应用广泛,适用于太阳能电池组件、印制电路板、智能卡制造、木制品制造、玻璃制造及保温板制造等多个行业。 Bürkle was founded in 1920, headquartered in “The Black Forest“ region of Germany. In the past 100 years, Bürkle has been committed to providing professional laminating systems and surface treatment technology solutions to users worldwide. Bürkle’s products are widely used in solar cell modules, printed circuit boards, smart card manufacturing, wood products manufacturing, glass manufacturing and insulation board manufacturing industries. 博可在全球拥有4个生产基地,分别位于德国南部、德国北部、中国和匈牙利。德国总部的研发团队,为博可产品的不断创新提供了强大的技术支持。 Bürkle has 4 production bases around the world,located in Southern Germany, Northern Germany, China and Hungar... [详细介绍] |