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常州晶晶光电科技有限公司公司简介 Changzhou Jingjing Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd. Brief Introduction 作为21世纪最有潜力的无污染绿色能源,太阳能光伏产业的发展潜力巨大,再加上良好的政策环境、行业本身的特性,太阳能光伏企业近几年来发展迅速。 As the 21st century's most promising non-polluting green energy, solar photovoltaic industry, huge potential for development, coupled with a good policy environment, the industry's own characteristics, solar photovoltaic enterprises have developed rapidly in recent years. 常州晶晶光电科技有限公司地处经济发达、交通便利、环境优美的长江三角洲,坐落于江苏省金坛经济开发区。 Changzhou Jingjing Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Jintan Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu Province, which is in Yangtze River delta with the developed economy, excellent environment and convenient traffic. 公司是一家专业从事光伏产业技术开发和产品制造的高新技术企业。主要从事太阳能单晶硅棒、单晶硅片、太阳能电池组件的设计、生产、销售和服务。目前拥有单晶硅炉28台、进口切片机6台、太阳能组件生产线4条,年生产能力为单晶硅棒200吨、硅片1000万片、太阳能组件50MW。 Our company is a high-tech enterprise and specializing in the photovoltaic industry technology development and manufacturing of the products. We are mainly engaged in the designing, producing, sales and providing services of Solar Silicon ingots, Wafer, Solar cell and Solar module. We have set up 28 monocrystalline furnaces and imported 6 slicers, we also get four complete solar components production lines and has annual production capacity of 200 tons monocrystalline silicon ingots, 10 million monocrystalline wafers and 50MW solar cells and modules. 公司工作环境整洁、生活环境舒适;厂房为标准化无尘车间,装有中央空调,25摄氏度的恒温。晶晶光伏也是个重视人才的科技型企业,公司有完善的培训体制和职业生涯规划设计。公司将产品研发创新、专业生产、质量控制作为企业发展主线,拥有高水平的专业研发团队、高素质的生产队伍、严格的管理系统。依靠完善的质量监督体系,所有产品均严格按照国际标准进行生产,确保产品质量。目前公司拥有我国光电专家1名、博士1名,硕士3名,大专以上员工占80%。这些人才的加盟为企业的优质高效发展打下坚实基础;公司进一步加强与科研单位、高等院校的合作、通过持续的技术创新,为客户提供一流的产品和满意的服务。 Corporate work environment clean, comfortable living environment; plant for Standardization clean room, equipped with central air conditioning, 25 degrees Celsius temperature. Jingjing PV is also a talent in science and technology enterprises, the company has a comprehensive training system and career planning and design. Product innovation, research and development, specializing in the production, quality control are the core of the company development, with a high level of professional R & D team, high-qualitied staff, strict controling and management system. Rely on complete quality controling system, all of our products are in strict accordance with international standards. Now the company has 1 national photo expert, 1 doctor and 3 masters, more than 80% staffs are college or above. All of these lay a solid foundation for development of the company. The company will further strengthen technological innovation by cooperating with professional research institutes and universities. We do hope our best products and services can satify you!
公司名称: 常州晶晶光电科技有限公司 公司类型: 民营企业 (生产型)
所 在 地: 江苏/常州/常州市 公司规模: 100-500人
注册资本: 2000万 注册年份: 2008
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 生产型
经营范围: 太阳能组件和单晶硅棒
销售的产品: 太阳能组件和单晶硅棒
采购的产品: 钢化玻璃、硅胶、接线盒、焊带、电池片、铝边框
光伏原材料 / 晶体硅电池组件生产用原材料 / 封装玻璃 光伏原材料 / 晶体硅电池组件生产用原材料 / 电池片